CORE Mail and More

An archive for e-mails, articles, etc., related to CORE (Concerned Ohio Retired Teachers) and STRS Ohio. Due to time constraints, little editing will be done. Special thanks to all who contribute to this blog, and kudos especially to John Curry for his unflagging dedication and long hours spent on his unpaid job as "e-mail clearinghouse" as well as his diligence in ferreting out timely articles to keep us all informed. Earlier postings may be found at:

Thursday, November 17, 2005

RH Jones' letter to Judge Reece

Dear Judge Guy Reece II:

Concerning your recent decision in the case of the STRS employees' suit against their employer, (my STRS of OH ), I must strongly protest.

Recent research by the Buck Associates indicated that these employees are paid on at a level equal to their peers in the Columbus area. Why in "heaven's name" would they need bonuses at a time when our STRS was eliminating our inflation fighting "13th check" and cutting back on our health care and perscription insurance? These uncaring employees failed to understand that they are employed at my STRS under the ORC 3307.15 that states that: to act solely on behalf of the membership and beneficiaries.

How can employees be working solely for the STRS members' behalf when they have the audacity to take their employer to court? They have a false sense of entitlement. This sense of entitlement was rampant under the direction of the past director, and board members, who the Concerned Ohio Retired Educators (CORE) voluntarily worked so hard to expose. While some STRS employees, and board members, have been involved in much publized criminal conduct; it is, therefore, unthinkable that you would award noninvestment workers at the STRS, bonus money. It was out of this group of "leaders" at the STRS that improperly made an oral statement for bonus awards -- to even the floor sweepers and cafeteria workers!

Employment at the STRS, unlike industry, is very coveted for it's stability, security, benefit perks and the OPERS retirement. The Columbus area has many fine qualified people looking for work that would be happy to be employed at the STRS. These very noble jobs, that secure the pension and benefits for their retired teachers, should attract those who are dedicated to serve those who taught them. Disloyal employees, who have a false sense of entitlement to the STRS funds, have no business being employed there. This lawsuit is NOT appreciated by this STRS retired member. And I think that they should seek employment elsewhere. Disobedience of our ORC 3307.15 should not be rewarded.

It is, therefore, reasonable to the common person, in light of the ORC 3307.15, that the STRS board, that voted to discontinue the bonuses, made the correct decision. You, sir, should honor that and reconsider your wrongful and hurtful decision.


Robert Hudson Jones,
CORE Legal CMTE Member & Summit CRTA legislative CMTE Member


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